Bitcoin Lightning node and wallet setup on Ubuntu.
This guides go through setting up bitcoin lightning node and wallet on an Ubuntu linux machine.
Feel free to jump across the content with below links.
- Preparing the environment
- Bitcoin Core
- btc-rpc-explorer
- Electrum Wallet
- Electrum Personal Server
- Take a break to sync
- c-lightning
- Spark Wallet
- Startup services
- SSH access (optional)
- Tor Hidden Services
- Updating software
Preparing the environment
# Fetch the list of available updates, upgrade current
sudo apt update &&
sudo apt upgrade -y &&
sudo apt autoremove -y
# Setup firewall
sudo ufw enable &&
sudo ufw allow from to any &&
# Secure shared memory
echo "tmpfs /run/shm tmpfs defaults,noexec,nosuid 0 0" | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab
Edit /etc/sysctl.conf
sudo gedit /etc/sysctl.conf
Copy this, paste at the bottom and save.
Common dependencies
sudo apt install -y nodejs npm git &&
# Install global npm packages to ~/.npm-global (prevents permission headaches, see
mkdir ~/.npm-global && npm config set prefix '~/.npm-global' &&
echo 'export PATH=~/.npm-global/bin:$PATH' | tee -a ~/.profile ~/.bashrc && source ~/.profile
PGP keyservers
At the time of writing, the default gpg keyservers appears to be unavailable. They can be changed to Ubuntu's keyservers with:
echo 'keyserver hkp://' | tee -a ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf
Developer signing keys
Add the public keys of the developers whose software we'll be using. This is required for later verifying their signatures.
Also interesting our guide to deploy Bitcoin on full node.
Please verify these keys first! Some places to start looking:
# Wladimir J. van der Laan (Bitcoin Core binary release signing key) <[email protected]>
gpg --recv-keys 01EA5486DE18A882D4C2684590C8019E36C2E964 &&
# Thomas Voegtlin (Electrum maintainer) <[email protected]>
gpg --recv-keys 6694D8DE7BE8EE5631BED9502BD5824B7F9470E6 &&
# Rusty Russell (Bitcoin Core contributor and c-lightning maintainer) <[email protected]>
gpg --recv-keys 15EE8D6CAB0E7F0CF999BFCBD9200E6CD1ADB8F1 &&
# Chris Belcher (Electrum Personal Server and JoinMarket maintainer) <[email protected]>
gpg --recv-keys 0A8B038F5E10CC2789BFCFFFEF734EA677F31129 &&
# Nadav Ivgi (Spark, Lightning Charge, Esplora) <[email protected]>
gpg --recv-keys FCF19B67866562F08A43AAD681F6104CD0F150FC &&
# Dan Janosik (btc-rpc-explorer maintainer) <[email protected]>
gpg --recv-keys F579929B39B119CC7B0BB71FB326ACF51F317B69
To install Tor as a system service:
sudo apt install -y tor
Tor will automatically start running as a background service.
To install the Tor Browser Bundle:
sudo apt install -y torbrowser-launcher && # Fix for, necessary for torbrowser-launcher < 0.3sudo update-locale LANG=en_US.UTF-8 && source /etc/default/locale
You can start the tor browser with torbrowser-launcher
from the command line, or using the launcher (due to the locale bug, this only works after a logout & login)
We have also written an article on Git troubleshooting.
Bitcoin Core
# Create dir for installation files
mkdir -p ~/bitcoin-installation && cd ~/bitcoin-installation && rm -rf * &&
# Download binaries
wget &&
# Download signature
wget &&
# Verify signature - should see "Good signature from Wladimir J. van der Laan (Bitcoin Core binary release signing key) <[email protected]>"
gpg --verify SHA256SUMS.asc &&
# Verify the binary matches the signed hash in SHA256SUMS.asc - should see "bitcoin-0.17.1-x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz: OK"
grep bitcoin-0.17.1-x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz SHA256SUMS.asc | sha256sum -c - &&
# Unpack binaries
tar xvf bitcoin-0.17.1-x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz &&
# Install binaries system-wide (requires password)
sudo cp bitcoin-0.17.1/bin/* /usr/bin
Create and edit bitcoin.conf
mkdir -p ~/.bitcoin &&gedit ~/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf
Add the following and save:
# Connect via Tor, comment if you prefer to connect directly
# No incoming connections (requires port forwarding or an hidden service)
# For faster sync, set according to available memory. For example, with 8GB memory, something like dbcache=5000 might make sense. Check total memory with `free -m`.
# For reduced memory usage, this can be tuned down or removed once the initial sync is complete. The default is 300 (mb).
# Optional extended transaction index (takes more space, required for btc-rpc-explorer)
# Reduce storage requirements (won't work with btc-rpc-explorer)
# prune=50000 # ~6 months, 50GB
# Reduce bandwidth requirements (node won't show unconfirmed transactions)
# blocksonly=1
Also see jlopp's bitcoin core config generator.
To test bitcoind is running:
bitcoin-cli getblockchaininfo
# Cleanup previous source code files (if any)
rm -rf ~/btc-rpc-explorer &&
# Download source
git clone ~/btc-rpc-explorer && cd ~/btc-rpc-explorer &&
git checkout 1ca6f54b93a56d942a90f3e0072265c9df3b9e6c &&
# Verify signature - should see "Good signature from Dan Janosik <[email protected]>"
git verify-commit HEAD &&
# Install user-wide
npm install -g
Create and edit ~/.config/btc-rpc-explorer.env
, add the following line to enable password protection:
Note: don't forget to change mySecretPassword
to your own password. You can set the password to anything, it will be required to access the explorer.
Refer to the btc-rpc-explorer docs for the full list of options.
Then open http://localhost:3002/node-status and login with an empty username and your superSecretPassword
Electrum Wallet
Click on the following link If you would like more information on Electrum wallet.
# Install dependencies
sudo apt install -y python3-setuptools python3-pyqt5 python3-pip &&
# Create dir for installation files
mkdir -p ~/electrum-installation && cd ~/electrum-installation && rm -rf * &&
# Download source
wget &&
# Download signature
wget &&
# Verify signature - should see "Good signature from Thomas Voegtlin ( <[email protected]>"
gpg --verify Electrum-3.3.4.tar.gz.asc Electrum-3.3.4.tar.gz &&
# Unpack
tar xvf Electrum-3.3.4.tar.gz && cd Electrum-3.3.4 &&
# Install dependencies
pip3 install .[fast] &&
# Install system-wide (requires sudo password)
sudo ./ install
# Connect to local EPS server only
electrum setconfig server &&
electrum setconfig oneserver true
Electrum can now be opened from the launcher or using the command line with electrum
Note: You may now open Electrum and configure a wallet, but it won't connect to a server until EPS is configured (next step) and bitcoind
is synced.
Electrum Personal Server
# Cleanup previous source code files (if any)
rm -rf ~/eps &&
# Download source
git clone ~/eps && cd ~/eps &&
# Checkout v0.1.6 (latest stable)
git checkout eps-v0.1.6 &&
# Verify signature - should see 'Good signature from "Chris Belcher <[email protected]>"'
git verify-commit HEAD &&
# Install user-wide
pip3 install --user .
Copy the sample configuration file as config.cfg
and edit it:
cp ~/eps/config.cfg_sample ~/eps/config.cfg &&
gedit ~/eps/config.cfg
Find your Master Public Key in electrum wallet (Wallet > Information) and add it to config.cfg
under [master-public-keys]
as a new line with {wallet_name}={master_pubkey}
. wallet_name
can be anything. For example:
Save config.cfg
electrum-personal-server ~/eps/config.cfg
When running for the first time, EPS will import the addresses and quit. You should start it again.
If you're importing an existing wallet with historical transactions, a rescan will be required: electrum-personal-server-rescan ~/eps/config.cfg
Note: Electrum Wallet will only connect to Electrum Personal Server once bitcoind is synced.
Take a break to sync
Now is a good time to sit back and wait for all the Bitcoin blocks to download before continuing to the Lightning part. It will take quite a while. You can follow the progress on the terminal with bitcoin-cli getblockchaininfo
or with btc-rpc-explorer on http://localhost:3002/node-status
Meanwhile you may want to setup startup services for bitcoind, btc-rpc-explorer and eps and test a restart.
You may also continue to setting up remote access to btc-rpc-explorer and EPS from your local network, or from anywhere using Tor Hidden Services.
Once the sync is complete, Electrum wallet should connect to EPS (a green circle on the bottom-right) and we can continue to the Lightning part!
# Install dependencies
sudo apt install -y autoconf automake build-essential libtool libgmp-dev libsqlite3-dev net-tools zlib1g-dev &&
# Cleanup previous source code files (if any)
rm -rf ~/lightning &&
# Download source
(git clone ~/lightning || git -C ~/lightning fetch) &&
# Checkout latest stable
cd ~/lightning && git checkout v0.7.0 &&
# Verify signature - should see: Good signature from "Rusty Russell <[email protected]>"
git verify-tag v0.7.0 &&
# Build
./configure && make &&
# Install system-wide (requires sudo password)
sudo make install
Create and edit ~/.lightning/config
mkdir -p ~/.lightning &&gedit ~/.lightning/config
Add the following and save:
# default network is testnet,"bitcoin" means mainnet
# connect via Tor, comment to connect directly
# might be wise to turn-off during initial sync
# Peers won't be able to initiate the opening of new channels with this node (the node will initiate instead). To allow that, a static IP or a Tor hidden service must be configured.
# uncomment to set your own (public) alias. By default a random one is chosen.
# for privacy reasons, it is recommended not to set a custom alias.
lightningd --log-level=debug
To test c-lightning is running:
lightning-cli getinfo
There are two important files to backup:
must be backed up once. ~/.lightning/lightningd.sqlite3
must be backed up regulary.
Instructions for setting up backups are available here, including optional encrypted cloud backups to Keybase.
Spark Wallet
# Create dir for installation files
mkdir -p ~/spark-installation && cd ~/spark-installation && rm -rf * &&
# Download npm package
wget &&
# Download signature
wget &&
# Verify signature - should show "Good signature from Nadav Ivgi <[email protected]>"
gpg --verify SHA256SUMS.asc &&
# Verify the downloaded binary matches the signed hash in SHA256SUMS.asc
grep spark-wallet-0.2.4-npm.tgz SHA256SUMS.asc | sha256sum -c - &&
# Install user-wide
npm install -g spark-wallet-0.2.4-npm.tgz
The default configuration options should work out-of-the-box. You may set custom config options in ~/.spark-wallet/config
To set custom login credentials instead of the randomly generated ones, add a line with login=myUsername:myPassword
Refer to the spark docs for the full list of options.
spark-wallet --pairing-url
Spark will automatically generate random credentials and save them to ~/.spark-wallet/cookie
The --pairing-url
option will print the pairing url, which includes your wallet access key. You can open this URL to access your wallet. It will look like that: http://localhost:9737/?access-key=[...]
You may also use --pairing-qr
to print a qr with the pairing url (useful for mobile access).
Startup services
Note: If you already have the services running from the terminal, stop them before starting the systemd service.
Stage 1: Bitcoin, EPS, btc-rpc-explorer
# Download home-node repo
git clone ~/home-node && cd ~/home-node &&
# Verify signature - should see "Good signature from Nadav Ivgi <[email protected]>"
git verify-commit HEAD &&
# Copy service init files
sudo cp init/{bitcoind,eps,btc-rpc-explorer}.service /etc/systemd/system/ &&
# Reload systemd, enable services, start them
sudo systemctl daemon-reload &&
sudo systemctl start bitcoind && sudo systemctl enable bitcoind &&
sudo systemctl start eps && sudo systemctl enable eps &&
sudo systemctl start btc-rpc-explorer && sudo systemctl enable btc-rpc-explorer
Stage 2: Lightning, Spark
# Copy service init files
sudo cp ~/home-node/init/{lightningd,spark-wallet}.service /etc/systemd/system/ &&
# Reload systemd, enable services, start them
sudo systemctl daemon-reload &&
sudo systemctl start lightningd && sudo systemctl enable lightningd &&
sudo systemctl start spark-wallet && sudo systemctl enable spark-wallet
Controlling services
- Start:
sudo systemctl start <name>
- Restart:
sudo systemctl restart <name>
- Stop:
sudo systemctl stop <name>
- Status:
sudo systemctl status <name>
The services names are: bitcoind
and spark-wallet
LAN access
To connect to EPS, Spark and btc-rpc-explorer over the local network you will need to configure the services to bind on
and add a firewall rule allowing local connections.
Configuring the services
- To configure EPS: open
and under[electrum-server]
. - To configure Spark: open
and add a new line withhost=
. - To configure btc-rpc-explorer: open
and add a new line withBTCEXP_HOST=
You can configure all three using the following commands:
Restart the services for the changes to take effect:
sudo systemctl restart eps && sudo systemctl restart spark-wallet && sudo systemctl restart btc-rpc-explorer
Firewall rules
You will need to add a firewall rule allowing access from your local network IP address range. For example, if your IP range is 192.168.1.x
, run:
sudo ufw allow from to any port 50002,3002,9737,22 proto tcp
The following script can be used to try and automatically detect your network IP range and add a matching firewall rule:
ips=($(ip -4 -o -f inet addr show | grep 'scope global dynamic' | tr -s ' ' | cut -d' ' -f4)) &&
if [ ${#ips[@]} -ne 1 ]; then echo "multiple networks found, cannot determine IP address"; \
else (set -x; sudo ufw allow from ${ips[0]} to any port 50002,3002,9737,22 proto tcp); fi
Note: You may want to define a Static DHCP Lease on your router for your node, so the IP won't change and local clients can find it.
SSH access (optional)
sudo apt install -y openssh-server &&
# disable root login, disable password auth
sudo sed -i 's/^PermitRootLogin .*/PermitRootLogin no/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config &&
sudo sed -i 's/^PasswordAuthentication .*/PasswordAuthentication no/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config &&
sudo service ssh reload
# TODO: set nonstandard SSH port? instructions for setting up keys?
To ensure SSH access availability, you may want to accept SSH connections from all sources with sudo ufw allow ssh
. This is less secure than white-listing source IPs, but may be considered acceptable for the SSH daemon.
Tor Hidden Services
Edit /etc/tor/torrc
, add:
HiddenServiceDir /var/lib/tor/hidden_service/
HiddenServiceVersion 3
HiddenServicePort 50002
HiddenServicePort 3002
HiddenServicePort 9737
HiddenServicePort 9090
HiddenServicePort 22
Then restart with: sudo service tor restart
To get your .onion
hostname: sudo cat /var/lib/tor/hidden_service/hostname
To make Spark aware of its .onion
address, edit ~/.spark-wallet/config
and add a line with: public-url=http://[your-host-name].onion:9737/
This can be done automatically with: echo public-url=http://`sudo cat /var/lib/tor/hidden_service/hostname`:9737/ | tee -a ~/.spark-wallet/config
Your onion server exposes the following services:
- Port
: Electrum Personal Server - Port
: Spark Wallet - Port
: btc-rpc-explorer - Port
: Cockpit - Port
: SSH server
For example, to access btc-rpc-explorer, open [your-host-name].onion:3002
on any Tor Browser.
Updating software
You can update the installed software by re-running the installation scripts. You can copy the commands from this README, or fetch and run them from git using:
# Download home-node repo
git clone ~/home-node && cd ~/home-node &&
# Verify signature - should see "Good signature from Nadav Ivgi <[email protected]>"
git verify-commit HEAD &&
# To update bitcoin core
./scripts/ &&
# To update c-lightning
./scripts/ &&
# To update electrum
./scripts/ &&
# To update electrum personal server
./scripts/ &&
# To update spark wallet
./scripts/ &&
# To update btc-rpc-explorer
Materials for this guide was taken from the following git repository sources: